Business Bloom International is a leading education service provider and consultancy based in Melbourne, Australia.

Our Education Services:

Our team is here to help you make the right choices for your study journey in Australia.

We believe in providing the most relevant options of study in Australia along with providing career advice and support to help you make a smooth transition into student life.

We provide career advice and support so that you can choose the right course at the right college or university to suit your particular needs.

We will work one-on-one with you to help you achieve your dreams and goals in life in a supportive environment.

We believe in empowering our clients with the ability to make the right choice in education and to gain the relevant skills for employment.

Our Consultancy Services:

We provide consultancy through training needs analysis which includes course design and delivery for companies and organisations to train and upskill their workforce.

We endeavour to work closely with our clients to ensure that the training provided is of the highest standard. Emphasis is on improving existing course structure or delivering customised courses to suit the particular need of individual organisations.

In addition, we provide consultancy services specialising in marketing, business development, community development and engagement, leadership and cultural awareness training.

Our Education Team:

Our education team consists of members with many years of experience in the field. They will provide you with extensive education counselling services which includes career counselling, university selection, course selection, admission guidance, scholarship requirements, pre-departure briefing and after arrival assistance.

We are here to help you achieve the best outcome in your education and employment journey. Our team is dedicated to provide a friendly and motivated environment to ensure the best professional outcome for you.

Our job is to provide you with the best education counselling as well as providing you with the best migration and immigration service providers in Melbourne.

Our Consultancy Team:

Our consultancy team consists of members with over 20 years of experience in marketing and business development in various industries and the education sector. Further the team consists of members with over 30 years of experience in community development and community engagement in local government, not-for-profit organisations and the community sector.

Our Migration Team:

Our commitment is to only work with the best migration agents and immigration lawyers to provide you with the help needed to obtain the right visa for your study in Australia.

We are confident that we can resolve any of your immigration related issues.

Our migration team assists with visa application, immigration services and advocacy services.

Our Offices:

Business Bloom International is an Australian based education and migration service provider.

Our head office is located in Melbourne, in Victoria. In addition, we have offshore branches in many countries in Asia, the Middle East, Europe and USA. We are working to increase our representation in other countries.